Dr. Lakita Long

Dr. Lakita Long, Author
Dr. Lakita Long
Woman of Purpose, Power and Passion Contributing Author


Dr. Lakita D. Long is an inspiring, absolutely motivational,  and spiritually empowered person who is completely engaged in helping people change their life. She concentrates on speaking with a purpose until her audience, has their own Thinking Outloud moment. She continually gives life-long tools to both women and men. As a speaker, author, educator, life consultant, social therapist, radio host, and coach, she focuses her energies on providing relevant information to help transform the lives of children, youth, women, and families.  With her Change Your Life Movement and book, Change Your Life: The 90 Day Experience,  she has helped women all across the country learn the essence that, “Change only happens when what you know is no longer good enough.”  She strives to ensure that women understand the power of their personal Yes, and how to build momentum from ground zero.  Also, as the author of Starting Over and Loving It, she shares how to move forward with nothing in your hands.  

Dr. Lakita is commonly known as The People’s Therapist, she loves using biblical principles and psychological concepts to help individuals better engage, their life. As the Founder and driving force behind GodIsTheBusiness.Com, Inspiring You Ministries, Inc, Change Your Life Seminars™, Inspiring You Global Enterprises, LLC, and a participator in many Think Tanks and Strategy Brainstorm consortiums across the country, Lakita embraces the calling on her life and has stepped into the forefront of changing the lives of others. She lives our her God-given destiny as she impacts the world through Speaking with a Purpose! With educational training and degrees in psychology, counseling, and doctorate training and degrees in counseling psychology and social psychology, she shares her message based on her conviction, experience, and research.  She is a woman living on purpose in real time!